Hi, my name is
Dmytro YurinI build things for the web
I have actively worked with technologies such as JavaScript, React, Redux RTK, TypeScript, Next.js and much more. I have also had experience working with back-end systems such as Express, Prisma, MySQL, MongoDB, Nest.js and Next.js. I understand the basic architecture of applications and the principles of building, scaling, and expanding web applications.Learn more in my resume
01.About me
Hello, my name is Dima and I enjoy creating websites and web applications! I strive to produce high-quality, visually appealing, and functional results, with the most important goal of ensuring a pleasant user experience. I became interested in web development more than a 2 years ago when I attempted to code my first website. Since then, I worked on a several jobs and projects.
I am currently actively learning development tools such as React, Redux RTK, Next.js, and TypeScript, and I also want to become familiar with technologies such as databases and their interactions and other back-end technologies (in addition to front-end, of course). I am actively seeking my next job for new development opportunities and new high quality projects.
Here are a few technologies that I am working with:
- JavaScript (ES6+)
- React
- Redux Toolkit
- TypeScript
- Next.js
- Tailwind CSS

02.What I have dealt with
- JavaScript
- React
- Redux Toolkit
- React/RTK Query
- TypeScript
- Next.js
- Ant Design
- Tailwind CSS
Nov 2022 - present
- DOM Manipulation, Fetches, Hoisting, Scopes, Data Types, Objects, built-in objects, object prototype, prototypal inheritance, Type casting, Type conversion.
- Data structures, JSON, Map/Set, Arrays, Loops, Iterations, Control Flow, Expressions and Operators, Functions, IIFEs, Recursion, Lexical Scoping, Closures.
- This keyword, Event Loop, Asynchronous code, Callbacks, Promises, APIs, Classes, Modules, Typescript Support
03.Some Thing I have Built

Featured Project
The Movie Database
A TMDB-inspired application. Search for movies, TV shows, or actors, rate them, create lists for yourself and friends, and discover new things about the world of cinema.
- React
- Next JS
- OAuth
- RTK Query
- Typescript
- ...view other tools

Educational Project
Modern Reddit Clone
Reddit is often called the "front page of the internet" for a reason. It's the most popular forum with thousands of communities. Create your own subreddits, write new posts, vote, leave comments, and much more!
- Next.js
- Prisma
- Tailwind
- Shadcn-UI
- Next Auth
- Typescript
- Zod
Other Noteworthy Projects
view the archive
Todo App
Task Todo planning application. Create, delete, drag and drop, set color, add descriptions, categorize, drag & drop! Organize your task list only for you!
- React
- Talwind
- Framer Motion
Pizza Store [Ed. Project]
An app for a fake pizza shop. Filter and search for pizzas, view ingredients, add items to the cart. Product data is stored in a Mock API, and the cart is stored in localStorage.
- React
- Typescript
- Router DOM
Marvel Comics Catalog
[Educational project], a Marvel comic book catalog application. You can view comics of characters, select a random one, or search for a specific one. Powered by Marvel API.
- React
- Formik
- Yup
- React Helmet
Weather Foreact App
A web application that shows the current weather and also displays the weather forecast for the next week. You can check the weather by simply entering the name of the city.
- React
- Talwind
- Luxon
- Tostify
React Quiz Application
A small application that allows to take a quiz and answer questions on various topics. The data for the questions is taken from the OpenTrivia DB.
- React
- Redux
- Axios
Markup Editor
A simple Markup editor that converts raw text to formatted text. It has light and dark themes. It utilizes React Context, React Markup and other tools.
- React Context
- TypeScript
- Tailwind
04. What's Next?
Get in Touch
Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I’ll try my best to get back to you!